On my recent cyberpunk one shot and the joy of low prep/no prep

Last night I ran a 2 hour one shot of Cyber/Punk by David Brunell-Brutman, a hack of John Harper's Lasers & Feelings. It made me realize something I've been ruminating on for a while and that I've seen written a lot around the OSR blogworld. 

System is just the pot you make the soup in. It's the delivery device but almost everything that matters and make a game dynamic is your players, your GM, and your table culture. 

My three players created a Grizzled Medic Sexbot with a Blood Testing System in its chest, a Zen Cop that use Buddhist Prayer Beads and a katana, and a early 2000s iMac flavored hacker and hacked, flooded a corporate building built into a former natural history museum, flirted and fought a traitor on their way to disable a malevolent AI. 

There's a lot of freedom in low rules systems and I see how they are attractive to folks, but my experience is that as long as you have creatively generous people and some good safety tools in place, you can encourage a truly wild and dynamic group gaming/storytelling experience. 


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