Random tables for the city

I'm in the process of creating a city maker for my swords, magic, and spaceships-type games and here's a few tables I'm working on for it. Hope they prove useful. 

How did the last leader lose power? 
1. Left without a trace, a cryptic rhyming poem all that they left behind and a golden feather dripping with fey energy. 
2. Blackmailed by a merchant lord. 
3. Election! The people's voice. 
4. Retirement. 
5. Supplanted by a wizard from afar. 
6. Betrayed by a parent, sibling, or cousin with ambition. 
7. Called beyond the sea by the deep desire to find a lost heirloom. 
8. Eaten by a beast or demon. 
9. Assassins. 
10. Imprisoned for crimes (real or politically expedient). 

How does the community address local injustices? 
1. Violent overthrow of the oppressive leadership 
2. Civil disobedience 
3. Restorative community dialogues 
4. Non-violent overthrow of the oppressive leadership 
5. Forming trade guilds and unions 
6. Developing alternative power structures 

Who founded this settlement? 
1. Entrepreneurs with an innovative idea for waste management 
2. Fur traders or hunters looking to settle down 
 3. Miners in a gold rush scenario (or other resource) 
4. Farmers wanting their own land 
5. Religious outcasts looking to practice their faith freely 
6. Sailors tired of sailing 
7. Displaced people looking to build a new community fortified against outside pressures. 
8. A wizard's spell that gave local animals the ability to communicate with humanoids. 
 9. "Monsters" that overthrew their oppressors 
10. A rich person looking to create an ego-grounded project named for themself. 

What bonds the community? 
1. Shared belief system 
2. Mutual need for safety and protection 
3. Fear of a common enemy who seeks to destroy the settlement 
4. Local industry that all residents contribute to in some way 
5. Family ties - Love and close-knit families 
6. Admiration for a local celebrity 

What stage is the settlement at? 
1. Early formation 
2. Construction 
3. Growth and expansion 
4. Complication and conflict 
5. Division into subcommunities 
6. Decline and fall


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